
A key task of the Puerto Rican Studies Initiative is to document the Puerto Rican experience with empirical evidence that can assist community leaders, law and policymakers and others to develop grounded solutions to challenges affecting the residents of Connecticut. The Puerto Rican Studies Initiative brings together a multidisciplinary team of researchers with different skills to collect and analyze available data, as well as to design innovative research approaches that can provide in depth understandings of the Puerto Rican experiences. Our research is informed by social, cultural and historical analysis that seeks to contextualize our findings.

Research Studies

Research studies address specific questions that require a broader and more substantive analysis of a particular question.

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Potential Impacts of EV Policies on Puerto Ricans in Connecticut, 2024

This policy brief examines some of the potential challenges and benefits of Governor Lamont's proposed EV infrastructure laws and policies on the Puerto Rican residents of Connecticut.

See Report
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Connecticut Electrical Markets Policy Report, Preliminary Findings

This report was written at the behest of various members of the Connecticut State Puerto Rican and Latino legislative caucus. We were asked to examine what reforms could be enacted to reduce the energy rates for Puerto Rican and other working class rate payers residing in the state of Connecticut.

See Report
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Potential Impacts of EV Policies on Puerto Ricans in Connecticut, 2024

This policy brief examines some of the potential challenges and benefits of Governor Lamont's proposed EV infrastructure laws and policies on the Puerto Rican residents of Connecticut.

See Report
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Potential Impacts of EV Policies on Puerto Ricans in Connecticut, 2024

This policy brief examines some of the potential challenges and benefits of Governor Lamont's proposed EV infrastructure laws and policies on the Puerto Rican residents of Connecticut.

See Report